KJV Holy Bible Paperback Green
KJV Holy Bible Paperback Green

KJV Holy Bible Paperback Green

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What book can promise you intellectual insight, spiritual strength, even a personal relationship with the Creator of the universe? Only the Bible-and you're holding a copy of that amazing book right now. This is the book that's been changing lives for generations-the lives of individuals, the lives of families, the lives of communities and nations. This is the book that can make all the difference in your own life.Why? Because the Bible is the actual Word of God. It carries the power of God to people who need it-to people who'll take the time to read it. The Bible tells where we came from-and where we're going. It explains why life can be so confusing and offers real answers. It promises the resources of heaven for the needs of earth. It's truly your lifeline to peace, hope, and happiness.

ISBN: 9781586601980
Produttore: DC1
Codice prodotto: 9781586601980
Dimensioni: 130 x 200 x 16 mm
Peso: 2.500kg
Rilegatura: Brossura
Numero di pagine: 512
Lingua: Inglese

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