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The Best of Praise Band

The Best of Praise Band


Solo su prenotazione - Tempi di attesa in base al fornitore

Nostro prezzo  20.20 SFr
Lingua: Inglese

Lista brani

1 - Jesus Mighty God; 2 - We Praise You For Your Glory; 3 - Lord, I Lift Your Name on High; 4 - He is Able; 5 - Sing a Joyful Song; 6 - Everlasting; 7 - I Love Your Grace; 8 - Your Everlasting Love; 9 - Let the Walls Fall Down; 10 - The Holy Heart; 11 - How Great You Are; 12 - Come Just as You Are; 13 - Tell the World; 14 - The Lion and the Lamb; 15 - Come and See; 16 - Lord I Believe in You; 17 - I Come to the Cross; 18 - We Say Yes; 19 - Rock of Ages; 20 - He Knows My Name; 21 - We Come to Worship You; 22 - Let it Rise; 23 - I Delight in the Lord; 24 - I Walk by Faith; 25 - Who is Like the Lord?; 26 - I Will Rise Up; 27 - You're Worthy of my Praise; 28 - You are My Refuge; 29 - I Will Not Forget You; 30 - Songs of the Lamb

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