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60 Songs of Praise & Worship Vol 1

60 Songs of Praise & Worship Vol 1


Solo su prenotazione - Tempi in base al fornitore

Prodotto terminato - Solo su prenotazione (tempi maggiori di 4 settimane)
Nostro prezzo  29.10 SFr
Codice prodotto: CLC0000000329
Lingua: Inglese

Lista brani

1 - We Want to See Jesus Lifted High; 2 - Joy to the World; 3 - How Wonderful; 4 - You're Worthy of My Praise; 5 - Jesus Friend Forever; 6 - Abba Father; 7 - He Is Our Fortress; 8 - Be Thou My Vision; 9 - In Every Circumstance; 10 - Here Is Love; 11 - Lord I Lift Your Name on High; 12 - He Is Exalted; 13 - Undignified; 14 - The Power of Your Love; 15 - Such Love; 16 - How Deep the Father's Love for Us; 17 - Nothing Shall Seperate Us from the Love of God; 18 - Lord for the Years; 19 - In the Lord; 20 - Like a Child; 21 - Our God Is Great; 22 - Come Out of the Darkness; 23 - I Love Your Love; 24 - The Spirit of the Sovreign Lord; 25 - Say the Word; 26 - I Want to Be Out of My Depth in Your Love; 27 - Friend of Sinners; 28 - Can a Nation Be Changed; 29 - Great Is Thy Faithfulness; 30 - It's All About You; 31 - The Day of the Streams Is Over; 32 - Have You Heard the Good News; 33 - Welcome King of Kings; 34 - Season of Singing; 35 - Foreign Gods; 36 - Oh I Love You; 37 - Power from on High; 38 - Wash Me Clean; 39 - There Is a Redeemer; 40 - And Can It be; 41 - Days of Elijah; 42 - All Heaven Declares; 43 - I Am a New Creation; 44 - And I Will Always Love Your Name; 45 - Thunder in the Skies; 46 - And He Shall Reign; 47 - An Army of Ordinary People; 48 - Better Is One Day; 49 - Be Still; 50 - Blessed Assurance; 51 - River of Fire; 52 - I've Got a Love Song; 53 - Reign in Me; 54 - Awaken the Dawn; 55 - Day of Favour; 56 - Heal Our Nation; 57 - Prayer of St Francis; 58 - Holy Ground; 59 - Restless Pilgrim; 60 - O for a Thousand Tongues

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