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A little lower than the angels

A little lower than the angels

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Nostro prezzo  14.60 SFr
Understanding how and why God made you the way you are begins a life flowing in true harmony with your Lord-and everybody and everything around you. A Little Lower Than the Angles explores the: • Natures of the human body, soul, and spirit as they define the three specific and essential parts of humanity. • Aspects of your human nature from a biblical perspective. • Influence of classic Greek thought and the extensive impact it has had throughout the ages.
ISBN: 9788889127957
Evangelista Media
Codice prodotto: 9788889127957
Peso: 0.280kg
Rilegatura: Brossura
Lingua: Inglese

Contenuto libro

Introduction 11
Chapter 1 The Humanity of Jesus 15
Chapter 2 The Human Body 27
Chapter 3 Jesus' Human Body 39
Chapter 4 The Human Body and the Coming of God's Kingdom 49
Chapter 5 God's Revealed Wisdom 61
Chapter 6 Basic Healthy Body Necessities 69
Chapter 7 Basic Guidelines for a Healthy Body 85
Chapter 8 The Human Soul 93
Chapter 9 The Human Spirit 111
Chapter 10 The Fullness of Our Inheritance 131
Epilogue 143
Appendix A 151

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