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Applying the kingdom

Applying the kingdom

Rediscovering the priority of God for mankind

Terminato - Disponibile in piĆ¹ di 1 Mese (dipende dal fornitore, potrebbero essere tempi molto lunghi)
Nostro prezzo  32.90 SFr
Applying the Kingdom provides important context to living an abundant life through absolute priority for the Kingdom of God. Pastor, author, and teacher Dr. Myles Munroe shares secrets of success through establishing Kingdom priorities in this, his third book in the "Kingdom" series.

Dr. Munroe hands you the keys to living a joyful and fulfilled life. Based on biblical principles, he thoroughly explains how the greatest:
TRAGEDY in life is not death, but it is life without a purpose.
CHALLENGE in life is knowing what to do.
MISTAKE in life is being busy but not effective.
FAILURE in life is being successful in the wrong assignment.

Applying the Kingdom will bring a new sense of belonging to your spiritual, emotional, and physical life---apply the Kingdom principles today!
ISBN: 9780768424898
Evangelista Media
Codice prodotto: 9780768424898
156 x 235 x 18 mm
Peso: 0.470kg
Copertina rigida
Numero di pagine: 252
Lingua: Inglese
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