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Beside Bethesda

Beside Bethesda

31 days toward deeper healing

Terminato - Disponibile in più di 1 Mese (dipende dal fornitore, potrebbero essere tempi molto lunghi)
Nostro prezzo  25.00 SFr
Come to the waters… and see Jesus

Like the lame man Iying beside the pool of Bethesda long ago, we are all longing for
Jesus to take notice of us, to hear our cry, and to touch us. Are you ready for the deep healing Jesus offers? Are you eager to go beyond quick fixes, short cuts, and spiritual Band-Aids?

In this month-Iong iourney with Joni you will learn... 
  • the peace of contentment in the face or unanswered prayer, 
  • the indescribable joy of waiting on God,
  • the inner transformation that can only happen in the crucible of suffering,
  • and the happiness that comes when you put your full confidence in the Lord Jesus. 
ISBN: 9781612917122
Codice prodotto: 9781612917122
135 x 190 x 15 mm
Peso: 0.260kg
Copertina Rigida Imbottita
Numero di pagine: 170
Lingua: Inglese
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