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Beyond the Potter's house - The call, the consecration and the commission of the Holy Spirit

Beyond the Potter's house - The call, the consecration and the commission of the Holy Spirit

Terminato - Disponibile in più di 1 Mese (dipende dal fornitore, potrebbero essere tempi molto lunghi)
Nostro prezzo  14.60 SFr
Life is the product of those we meet and those we miss. Destiny often charts a course for us into encounters that will bring us to a prepared place. To miss those encounters may be to wander aimlessly through the wilderness for the rest of our lives. To some anonymous fishermen whom Providence would ennoble, Jesus said, "Follow me and I will make you..." He received them as they were, but did not leave them as they had been. Curiously, the Potter often does not announce the re-creative path as loudly as the call had come, which is usually why the worries mount. In Beyond the Potter's House, the author, from his decades of ministry experience and uncommon insights into the Bible, cogently and scripturally resolves nagging questions, such as: How does God lead? Why do the righteous suffer? How does God prepare those He calls? How does He send them out? What precautions should be noted by those who have been commissioned? May this book be one of many significant encounters that enables you to chart your path to that place of glory where the world awaits your manifestation.
ISBN: 9788889127872
Evangelista Media
Codice prodotto: 9788889127872
Peso: 0.300kg
Rilegatura: Brossura
Lingua: Inglese
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