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Courageous DVD (Versione in Lingua Inglese, Tedesca, Francese)

Courageous DVD (Versione in Lingua Inglese, Tedesca, Francese)

Terminato - Disponibile in più di 1 Mese (dipende dal fornitore, potrebbero essere tempi molto lunghi)
Nostro prezzo  25.00 SFr

Lingue Audio: Inglese, Tedesco, Francese
Sottotitoli: Danish, Dutch, English UK, French, German, Greek, Italian, Norwegian, Polish, Spanish Castillan, Swedesh, Ukranian

Courageous is the big screen action movie with a solid faith affirming storyline that recognises the need for strong father figures in family, church community and nation.
From the makers of Fireproof – the all action drama focused on safeguarding marriage and the family, Courageous concentrates on fatherhood and the vital role of men with courage in Christ.
Courageous is the fourth film from Sherwood Pictures, filmed on location in Albany, Georgia.
Courageous Police officers Adam Mitchell, Nathan Hayes, David Thomson, and Shane Fuller are called to give their all serving and protecting the community. Risking their lives everyday the cops know there’s a common need in the no-hope gang members who roam the city streets. It’s the need of strong male lead and example – the want of a father.
In their tough day jobs, the officers are confident and focused. They can give their best at work, but at home they’re finding it hard to make the grade. Struggling in the good times, a sudden turn of events leaves the men adrift are left wrestling with their fears and failings.


ISBN: 0602341005494
Codice prodotto: 0602341005494
Peso: 0.260kg
Lingua: Inglese
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