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Crown Him - The Worship Musical

Crown Him - The Worship Musical


Solo su prenotazione - Tempi in base al fornitore

Prodotto terminato - Solo su prenotazione (tempi maggiori di 4 settimane)
Nostro prezzo  24.50 SFr
Codice prodotto: 1001000040651
Lingua: Inglese

Lista brani

1 - Overture;
2 - Open the Gates;
3 - Christ Is King of All Creation;
4 - Shout - The Lord Reigns;
5 - Lift up Your Heads;
6 - Crown Him with Many Crowns;
7 - The Apostles Creed;
8 - Lead Me to the Cross;
9 - Father Me;
10 - Thank You Lord;
11 - Join Our Hearts;
12 - All the Glory;
13 - Shine Jesus Shine (Chorus);
14 - Heaven Is In My Heart (Medley);
15 - Psalm 24:7 - Proclamation;
16 - Say Yes;
17 - History Makers;
18 - Shout His Name;
19 - Lord Have Mercy (Prayer Song);
20 - Bring Glory to the Lamb (Medley);
21 - This Is My Beloved Son;
22 - Cross Every Border;
23 - And He Shall Reign;
24 - All Hail the Power

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