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ERV Interactive Bible

ERV Interactive Bible

Tra le 6 e le 10 copie disponibili in circa 2 settimane (ulteriori in arrivo)
Nostro prezzo  6.50 SFr

Whole Bible for Evangelism!
This is an Interactive Bible. In this book there is an Interactive Old Testament and a printed New Testament.
From every book of the Old Testament you can read the first chapter and the rest of the chapters you can read with our application though YouVersion.

A message that gives the answer to the question: “What on earth am I doing here?” A message that answers all your questions and doubts. This book shows you that you are naturally separated from God, but that God loves you so much that He offers you an escape. A solution through which you will not be separated from Him eternally.

The solution is: admit that you naturally don’t fulfill Gods will, ask forgiveness and thank Him for the fact that He took the punishment on Him. When, after that, you ask Jesus in your heart, you belong to God forever! Then the message of this book has achieved its purpose: Forgiveness of your past, a purpose in your life and a home in heaven. This Bible is a challenge!

In front of the Bible there is a tract printed 'What do you choose'? This tract is a great instrument for evangelism. It shows why we are on this earth and how you can find a purpose for living. Having a life with no future, it shows you in 5 steps how to get an eternal life with God.

ISBN: 9789492996114
City Bible Foundation
Codice prodotto: 9789492996114
105 x 145 x 13 mm
Peso: 0.150kg
Copertina rigida
Numero di pagine: 460
Lingua: Inglese
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