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ESV MacArthur Study Bible 2nd Edition

ESV MacArthur Study Bible 2nd Edition

Unleashing God's Truth One Verse at a Time

Terminato - Disponibile in piĆ¹ di 1 Mese (dipende dal fornitore, potrebbero essere tempi molto lunghi)
Nostro prezzo  73.80 SFr

Over 2 million readers around the world have had their spiritual lives enriched and their understanding of God’s Word expanded by The MacArthur Study Bible.
Drawing on more than fifty years of dedicated pastoral and scholarly work, Dr. John MacArthur’s verse-by-verse study notes, book introductions, and articles display an unparalleled commitment to interpretive precision—with the goal of making God known through His Word.

Features include:

  • Fully redesigned second edition with updated study notes and expanded selection of maps and charts
  • Bible book introductions provide an overview of the background and historical context of the book about to be read
  • Nearly 25,000 verse-by-verse study notes for a better understanding of Scripture 190 in-text maps, charts, and diagrams provide a visual representation of meanings, themes, teachings, people, and places of Scripture
  • Outline of Systematic Theology to guide you to study biblical doctrine in a logical order
  • Over 72,000 references allow you to find related passages quickly and easily
  • Concordance for looking up a word’s occurrences throughout the Bible
  • Bible reading plans to guide you through reading God’s Word daily
  • Chronology of Old Testament Patriarchs and Judges
  • Chronology of Old Testament Kings and Prophets
  • Chronology of the New Testament
  • Overviews of Christ’s Life, Ministry, and Passion Week
  • Harmony of the Gospels
  • Introductions to each major section of Scripture
  • Index to Key Bible Doctrines
  • Easy-to-read 9.5-point print
ISBN: 9780785235507
Codice prodotto: 9780785235507
180 x 240 x 48 mm
Peso: 1.650kg
Copertina rigida
Numero di pagine: 1995
Data di pubblicazione: 11.05.2021
Lingua: Inglese
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