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Every day deserves a chance

Every day deserves a chance

Wake up to the gift of the 24 hours


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Suppose, neck deep in a tough day, you resolve to give it a chance. You choose not to drink, work, or worry it away. Instead, you decide to give it a fair shake. You trust more. Stress lesso Amplify gratitude. Mute complaints. Before long the day is done and surprisingly decent.

So decent, in fact, that you resolve to give the next day the same nghting chance. Despite hang-ups and bang-ups, giving the day a chance works! You do the same the next day, and the next. Days become a week. Weeks become months. Months be come years of good days.

In such a fashion good lives are built. One good day at a time.

I have one goal in this book: to help you have a good day every day. After all, doesn't every day deserve a chance to be a good one?
ISBN: 9780849919145
Codice prodotto: 9780849919145
135 x 200 x 12 mm
Peso: 0.180kg
Rilegatura: Brossura
Numero di pagine: 158
Lingua: Inglese
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