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I love 2 worship

I love 2 worship


Solo su prenotazione - Tempi in base al fornitore

Prodotto terminato - Solo su prenotazione (tempi maggiori di 4 settimane)
Nostro prezzo  26.30 SFr
Cofanetto di 3 CD = 50 Canti di Lode. Sperimenta la gioia di lodare - Salmo 86:12
Morning Star
Codice prodotto: CLC0000000413
Lingua: Inglese

Lista brani

Disc 1: Holy Holy; God So Loved This Whole World; Glorious Majesty; Majesty; I Am Not Ashamed; Radiance; In Your Name; Our Lord God Almighty Reigns; May This Journey; Holy Spirit; Jesus Paid It All; Ancient of Heaven; Speak O Lord; Father Your Love; Be Lifted Up; Let It Rain; I'm Grateful; Disc 2: Take Us to the River; Take My Life Away; The Favour of the Lord; In Christ Along; Oh For That Glorious Day; Beautiful; Glorious King; I Will Follow; Child of the King; God is Here; Adoration; This is the Day (6:30 AM); Love Divine; Of All the People; Prayer Song; Victory in Defeat; Flood Over Me; DIsc 3: Ever Faithful God; Everlasting God; You Are Near; Who is There Like You; The Risen Christ; Home Into Your Arms; Psalm 23; You'll Be There; When Love Came Down to Earth; All for Jesus; I Will Stand; Heart of the Worship; You're Still God; Lord of All the Earth; When All is Said and Done; Love You Because

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