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Jesus at the center

Jesus at the center

Terminato - Disponibile in piĆ¹ di 1 Mese (dipende dal fornitore, potrebbero essere tempi molto lunghi)
Nostro prezzo  25.80 SFr

Lista brani

Disco 1:

1 The intro (Col. 1:15-20)

2 Jesus the same

3 Rez Power (featuring Jeremiah Woods)

4 No turning back (featuring Aaron Lindsey)

5 Te amo (featuring T Bone)

6 More than enough (featuring Onaje Jefferson & Krystle Harper)

7 Overflow (featuring Daniel Johnson & Bishop Michael Pitts)

8 I call Jesus

9 Jesus is the sweetest name I know / Oh I love Jesus

10 Jesus at the center

Disco 2:

1 Jesus at the center (reprise)

2 Speechless (featuring Adam Ranney & Tina Baker)

3 It's not over (When God is in it) (featuring Aaron Lindsey)

4 Your presence is heaven

5 More and more (featuring Onaje Jefferson)

6 Hosanna / Moving Forward / Where else can I go

7 You have me / You hold my world (featuring Michael Gungor)

8 To make you feel my love / Name of love (featuring Mariah Houghton)

9 It's not over (When God is in it) (studio version)

10 Jesus at the center (studio version)

11 Your presence is heaven (studio version)

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