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Lead Us Back

Lead Us Back

Song of worship

5 copie disponibili in circa 2 settimane (ulteriori in arrivo)
Nostro prezzo  24.50 SFr
"'Lead Us Back' is a solid effort, and within the worship genre it stands out for the right reasons."Alex Caldwell, indicating in a four and a half star review out of five from Jesus Freak Hideout, realizes, "Lead Us Back proves to be a great worship piece and a mid-career highpoint in a veteran band's catalog." Specifying in a four star review for Jesus Freak Hideout, Bert Gangl responds, "such an absolutely unique and beautiful work."Jeremy Armstrong, mentioning in a four star review by Worship Leader, reports, "Even his country releases bleed with his guttural, gravelly voice. But the straightforward guitar rock of this worship release is also surrounded with some piano drive, beautiful orchestrations, and ambient pop that help lift the songs to anthemic intensity
ISBN: 0083061102524
Codice prodotto: 0083061102524
Numero dei Dischi: 1
Lingua: Inglese
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