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Letters by a Modern Mystic

Letters by a Modern Mystic

Excerpts From Letters Written To His Father

Terminato - Disponibile in più di 1 Mese (dipende dal fornitore, potrebbero essere tempi molto lunghi)
Nostro prezzo  19.70 SFr
First published in 1937, Letters by a Modern Mystic is a compilation of excerpts from letters Christian missionary Frank C. Laubach wrote to his father. Within them, Laubach shares his findings of the greatest experiment of his life: attempting to live in moment-by-moment communication with God.

Short, simple and extraordinarily powerful, this little book offers a profoundly challenging but life-changing way of living. Laubach's letters are thoughtful and honest, documenting his failings and struggles with this spiritual discipline - but also showing the joy, wonder and transformation he experienced by connecting with God and living in communion with him every minute of the day.

Easy to read and full of wisdom, Letters by a Modern Mystic is essential reading for anyone seeking to deepen their connection with God or wanting to make their spiritual formation part of their everyday life. With a foreword by Pete Grieg show its continued relevance for today, it will challenge you to see that it is possible to live in communion with God in every moment and change the way you approach your faith.

Included at the back of this book is 'The Game with Minutes', the practical guide Laubach developed to assist others in applying the principles and spiritual practices in his letters. It is a game that has transformed countless lives - and it is time for a new generation to play.
ISBN: 9780281085835
Codice prodotto: 9780281085835
Rilegatura: Brossura
Data di pubblicazione: 14.07.2021
Lingua: Inglese
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