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Mere Christianity (Fiftieth Anniversary Edition)

Mere Christianity (Fiftieth Anniversary Edition)

Terminato - Disponibile in piĆ¹ di 1 Mese (dipende dal fornitore, potrebbero essere tempi molto lunghi)
Nostro prezzo  17.20 SFr
During the Second World War, C. S. Lewis was called upon by the BBC to give aseries of lectures - broadcasts that would ultimately bring new meaning to the lives of adults in all walks of life. Bringing together these legendary talks, Mere Christianity has become regarded as the most popular and accessible of C. S. Lewis's works, reminding us of the truly important things in life and showing the way to joy and contentment. The 50th anniversary edition harks back to an era when C. S. Lewis was able to bring comfort to millions at times of war and uncertainty,though his words are as pertinent now as they ever were...
ISBN: 9780006280545
Harper Collins
Codice prodotto: 9780006280545
Lingua: Inglese

Contenuto libro

PREFACE; FOREWORD; RIGHT AND WRONG AS A CLUE TO THE MEANING OF THE UNIVERSE - The law of human nature; Some objections; The reality of the law; What lies behind the law; We have cause to be uneasy; WHAT CHRISTIANS BELIEVE - The rival conceptions of God; The invasion; The shocking alternative; The perfect penitent; The practical conclusion; CHRISTIAN BEHAVIOUR - The three parts of morality; The "cardinal virtues"; Social morality; Morality and psychoanalysis; Sexual morality; Christian marriage; Forgiveness; The great sin; Charity; Hope; Faith; Faith; BEYOND PERSONALITY: OR FIRST STEPS IN THE DOCTRINE OF THE TRINITY - Making and begetting; The three-personal God; Time and beyond time; Good infection; The obstinate toy soldiers; Two notes; Let's pretend; Is Christianity hard or easy? Counting the cost; Nice people or new men; The new men.

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