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NIV Holy Bible

NIV Holy Bible

Terminato - Disponibile in più di 1 Mese (dipende dal fornitore, potrebbero essere tempi molto lunghi)
Nostro prezzo  13.20 SFr
The wisdom and encouragement of Scripture are yours in this convenient, user-friendly edition of the NIV Bible, ideai for evangelism and missionary work. 

Whether you are reading the Bible for the very first time or have been a student of God's Word for many years, this edition of the NIV helps you explore what God's Word has to say to you.

This affordable NIV Witness Edition offers two maps of Bible lands and an artide that introduces you to the Bible, helping you get the most out of your reading. 
ISBN: 9780310436003
Codice prodotto: 9780310436003
130 x 230 x 36 mm
Peso: 0.620kg
Rilegatura: Brossura
Numero di pagine: 1005
Lingua: Inglese
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