NIV Larger Print Bible, Anglicised
NIV Larger Print Bible, Anglicised

NIV Larger Print Bible, Anglicised


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Terminato - Disponibile in più di 1 Mese (dipende dal fornitore, potrebbero essere tempi molto lunghi)
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A traditional NIV church Bible, with a burgundy hardback binding and larger than usual print which makes it an ideal addition to any church's stock of pew Bibles.

This traditional hardback burgundy NIV Bible has 11pt print, making it easier to read for those who prefer larger text. The text is very clearly laid out on the page in two elegant columns, with minimal show-though.

The cover design is the same as the standard NIV Popular Burgundy Hardback Bible. The pagination is also the same, so everyone can turn to the same page when a reference is given out in church.

It also features Old and New Testament maps, shortcuts to key stories, events and people of the Bible, a reading plan and Bible guide, quick links to find inspiration and help in different life situations, and British spelling, grammar and punctuation.

ISBN: 9781473651562
Produttore: DV1
Codice prodotto: 9781473651562
Dimensioni: 160 x 240 x 31 mm
Peso: 0.980kg
Rilegatura: Copertina rigida
Numero di pagine: 1262
Lingua: Inglese

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