NLT Africa Study Bible
NLT Africa Study Bible

NLT Africa Study Bible

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God’s Word through African Eyes.
The Africa Study Bible brings together 350 contributors from over 50 countries, providing a unique African perspective. It’s an all-in-one course in biblical content, theology, history, and culture, with special attention to the African context.
Each feature was planned by African leaders to help readers grow strong in Jesus Christ by providing understanding and instruction on how to live a good and righteous life.

Over 2400 notes explain the Bible, inspire readers to apply truth to everyday life, teach Christian values and doctrine, and more. “Touchpoints” and “Proverbs and Stories” give African perspective on the Bible and also show parallels with African wisdom.
A narrative timeline highlights God’s work in Africa.

There are over 1.3 million African immigrants in the US and an additional half million African born people living in the UK.
ISBN: 9781496424716
Produttore: Tyndale House Publishers
Codice prodotto: 9781496424716
Rilegatura: Copertina rigida
Lingua: Inglese

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