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Nothin but Worship

Nothin but Worship


Solo su prenotazione - Tempi in base al fornitore

Prodotto terminato - Solo su prenotazione (tempi maggiori di 4 settimane)
Nostro prezzo  21.80 SFr
Ottima collezione di canti di lode contemporanea - 3 CD. Prezzi conveniente.
Morning Star
Codice prodotto: CLC0000000411
Lingua: Inglese

Lista brani

Disc 1: Forever; Praise is Rising; God of Wonders; Your Word; How Deep the father's Love for Us; How Great Thou Art; There is a Highter Throne; The Wonderful Cross; Crimson Blood; The Splendor of the King; Lead Us Heavenly Father Lead Us; Jesus is Lord; Above All; All Over the World; There is a Place; When I Survey; May this Journey; Disc 2: Lord of all the Earth; Famous One; Be Thou My Vision; Everlasting God; In Christ Alone; Before the Throne of God Above; I Live to Worship; I Will Sing the Wondrous Story; My Jesus I Love Thee; We Crown You Now; We are the People of God; Here I am to Worship; What Sacred Fountain; Speak O Lord; Hungry; I Will Never be the Same; Breathe; Awakening Disc; Blessed be Your Name; Agnus Dei; God of Grace; Befriended; Here is Love; O God of Burning Cleansing Flame; In That Day; You're King and You Reign; O the Deep Deep Love of Jesus; I Stand Amazed; Joy Has Dawned; Praise the Mighty Name of Jesus; Blessed Sprit; And Can it Be; You'll Be There

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