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I have always wanted to ask

Terminato - Disponibile in piĆ¹ di 1 Mese (dipende dal fornitore, potrebbero essere tempi molto lunghi)
Nostro prezzo  3.30 SFr
Everyone who starts to take interest in the Christian faith is confronted by numerous questions. For each person searching for God, there is a remarkable tendency to ask the same questions.

There was therefore a need to collect these questions and to answer them in a short but adequate form. All the questions which have been dealt with in this book have one thing in common - they are genuine questions. It is not a book of cross-section answers for Christian insiders, but tries instead to take each problem seriously, which occupies the minds of those who are doubting, questioning and searching.

It is not at all a collection of hair-splitting theological or constructed theoretical points, but instead it handles basic questions which have been the result of a series of lectures given by the author of this book. Unusual questions have been dealt with.
ISBN: 9783893971848
Edizioni CLV
Codice prodotto: 9783893971848
110 x 180 x 14 mm
Peso: 0.150kg
Rilegatura: Brossura
Numero di pagine: 188
Lingua: Inglese
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