Serving as Senders
Serving as Senders

Serving as Senders

How to Care for Your Missionaries

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As a child of God, you are interested in His world and what he is doing today. Yet you do not sense his call to go to the ends of the earth. You may ask, "how can I get involved in the great commission of world evangelism?"

You can join a growing force of believers who are serving as senders-today! Paul, the apostle, called his support team in Phillipi, "partners in the gospel"! Every missionary today needs an as-enthusiastic-as-he-is team of people who see themselves as his partners in the Gospel.

ISBN: 9781850781998
Produttore: DV1
Codice prodotto: 9781850781998
Rilegatura: Brossura
Numero di pagine: 240
Data di pubblicazione: 01.01.1997
Lingua: Inglese

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