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Songs for Communion - 14 songs of intimate worship

Songs for Communion - 14 songs of intimate worship

Terminato - Disponibile in piĆ¹ di 1 Mese (dipende dal fornitore, potrebbero essere tempi molto lunghi)
Nostro prezzo  23.10 SFr
Over the years, as we have shared communion at Hillsong church, these songs have been presented as a beautiful reminder of the wondrous gift given by our saviour. We pray these songs would touch your heart and remind you once again the breathtaking wonder of the cross.
ISBN: 9320428002648
Hillsong Music Australia
Codice prodotto: 9320428002648
Numero dei Dischi: 1
Lingua: Inglese

Lista brani

Nothing but the blood; My hope is Jesus; The only name; Gift of love; Saviour; Life; With Christ; I will love; Oh the blood; Scarlet hands; Worthy is the lamb; Redeeming king; What the Lord has done in me; How can you refuse Him now?

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