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The ABC's of emotions - A guide to understand how people think and feel

The ABC's of emotions - A guide to understand how people think and feel


Solo su prenotazione - Tempi in base al fornitore

Prodotto terminato - Solo su prenotazione (tempi maggiori di 4 settimane)
Nostro prezzo  14.60 SFr
A is for Apple………..Somewhere between learning your ABC’s and now, a lot has happened. Maybe you lost your job, your parents, your spouse, your sense of security—your temper. Armed with the Word of God and drawing on 21 years as a social worker and full-time minister, Marion Meyers bat-tles a wide range of emotional topics and issues that attack people every day. This book is full of encouragement and proven successful advice for overcoming what happened between “then and now.” You will learn how to turn your misery into ministry and your pain into passion.
ISBN: 9788889127322
Evangelista Media
Codice prodotto: 9788889127322
Peso: 0.270kg
Rilegatura: Brossura
Lingua: Inglese
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