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The Thompson Chain - Reference Study Bible (NIV - Handy Bonded leather - Black)

The Thompson Chain - Reference Study Bible (NIV - Handy Bonded leather - Black)


Fuori Stampa

prodotto fuori stampa non disponibile per l'acquisto
Nostro prezzo  74.60 SFr
With over 100.000 references connected directly or indirectly through this Thompson Chain Reference study system, this Bible is the most unique and complete topical study system available. With the alphabetical and numerical indexes, you can trace any of the 8.000 topics throughout the Bible. With the numerical index you can find additional verses not contained in the chain that will allow deeper analysis of these topics. Other fetures: Updated archaeological supplement with photos and maps; Concordance; Outline studies of each book of the Bible; Bible character studies; Journey maps; Bible harmonies & Illustrated studies.
316 Europe
Lingua: Inglese


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