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Time and Eternity

Time and Eternity


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Throughout the centuries, people from diverse cultures, circumstances, and points of view have wrestled with the concept of time. Living during the fifth century AD, theologian and philosopher St. Augustine said, "What is time? If no one asks me, I know; but if any person should require me to tell him, I cannot." 

According to Time magazine (December 27, 1999 p. 92), "while scientists have harnessed the power of the atom, cracked the genetic code and probed the very edges of the universe, they still don't understand time much better than St. Augustine did." That such a central, fundamental quantity, a basic phenomenon which affects all of our lives, is not better understood must be seen as a major challenge at the beginning of a new millennium. 

Dr. Gitt, a leading information scientist, begins by examining time as a physical quantity. He then proceeds to apply the laws and theorems of information science (discovered and formulated by himself) to time, examining what time is in relation to our transient perspective. In the course of this investigation, it becomes apparent that his rigorous scientific approach still serves to confirm a biblical view of time. Finally, Dr. Gitt takes a last look at time within the broader context of eternity. On the other side of death, time is no more; it dissolves into eternity as one waking from a dream. 

Throughout Time and Eternity, Dr. Gitt leads a thought provoking discussion that begins in time, ends in eternity, and focuses continually on the Eternal One who is the source of both.
ISBN: 9780872132283
Edizioni CLV
Codice prodotto: 9780872132283
110 x 180 x 14 mm
Peso: 0.140kg
Rilegatura: Brossura
Numero di pagine: 150
Lingua: Inglese
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