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We Would See Jesus

We Would See Jesus

Seeing Jesus as All We Need

Terminato - Disponibile in più di 1 Mese (dipende dal fornitore, potrebbero essere tempi molto lunghi)
Nostro prezzo  3.30 SFr
Do you struggle with guilt or feel like God can't accept you as you are? It's easy to forget that nothing we do will make us more acceptable to God. Jesus came to set us free to serve Him in the freshness and spontaneity of the Spirit, and to receive the abundant blessing God has for us. Let your life be transformed as you learn to see Jesus, who is both the blessing and the way to that blessing - the menas and the end.

"This is a book that seeks to be simply about the Lord Jesus Christ Himself. Each aspect of Christian experience is made real in us just by seeing Him. He is both the Blessing we all seek and the easily accessible Way to that blessing. 

The Lord Jesus has come to take from us every yoke of bondage and to set us free to serve Him in the freshness and spontaneity of the Spirit, and all that by the simple sight of Him which the Holy Spirit delights to give to the needy despairing heart. 

We would see Jesus is our theme. Seeing Him is not merely attaining an objective knowledge of Him; it is something subjective and experimental. It is seeing Him by faith to be just what I need as a sinner, a failure, a poverty stricken weakling, and allowing Him to be just that to me in this hour." 
- Roy Hession
ISBN: 9781905044337
Codice prodotto: 9781905044337
110 x 180 x 8 mm
Peso: 0.090kg
Rilegatura: Brossura
Numero di pagine: 113
Lingua: Inglese
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