What about the other religions?
What about the other religions?

What about the other religions?

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This book deals with a topic which often leads to heated discussions:

  • There are so many religions. Are they all wrong, is there only a single correct one, or do all ultimately lead to the same goal?
  • People with other religions are honest in their beliefs. They perform their prayers and sacrifices sincerely and trust fully in their religion. Surely God must also see it that way. If God is a God of love, must He not recognise all efforts to reach Him?
  • Our times are characterised by understanding and tolerance. Shouldn't that also be the case between religions, as Frederick the Great (1712-1786) already believed: "Everyone should be saved in his own manner?". Isn't the Gospel highly intolerant, if it throws out all other ways and claims to be uniquely correct?
These are among the questions most often asked during discussions about faith. We need real answers to help us. The author provides a through, Biblically-based work, which allows one to orient himself in this field of conflict.
ISBN: 9783893977659
Produttore: Edizioni CLV
Codice prodotto: 9783893977659
Dimensioni: 110 x 180 x 14 mm
Peso: 0.140kg
Rilegatura: Brossura
Numero di pagine: 159
Lingua: Inglese

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